Fostering a connection to plants has positive implications for both us and our environment.

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Shop our library of books

We believe that plants bring happiness, life, and a bit of fun to any space. Our selection of beauitiful and educational books are perfect for both gifting + collecting.

Life is better with a little green.

Through education and inspiration we want to empower you to confidently cultivate an indoor and balcony jungle of your very own.

Shop our library of books

We believe that plants bring happiness, life, and a bit of fun to any space. Our selection of beauitiful and educational books are perfect for both gifting + collecting.

Life is better with a little green.

Through education and inspiration we want to empower you to confidently cultivate an indoor and balcony jungle of your very own.

Learn with Leaf Supply.

Getting your hands dirty is good for

your plants and for the soul.

plant care leaf tv our books

We work with brands to create lush content

We love to partner with like-minded people + brands. Producing lush print and digital media content is our jam.

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Get the intel on your favourite plants and peek into some secret gardens with Leaf TV

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We are your leaf suppliers

Leaf Supply, founded and run by Lauren Camilleri and Sophia Kaplan, is an online destination for all things botanical. From our library of plant books to lush content creation – we want to make a life with plants accessible, beautiful and fun.

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